What does space mean to you?
Dec 15, 2022
A contemplation exercise for those wishing to consider the Unraveling Intensive Yoga Training. This one has been prepared and submitted by Kirstin Healy
What Space Means to Me
What does space mean to me? This is a question I had never really thought about before.
The best way I can describe how I thought about space in my life, before this piece of awakening, would be as a box. Each thing, tangible and intangible, had its place in space and time. Places like the space in my mind holding thoughts of right or wrong, good or bad or it just is. The space in my heart holding feelings of love, joy, sadness, guilt and shame depending on each circumstance. The space inside my house and every object having its place. The space inside my soul with a knowingness of love but always searching for answers. The space in my family and the roles that I play of daughter, sister, mother, wife, best friend. The space that nature holds on the planet and the speck of existence our planet holds in the universe.
I have since begun my journey to explore space as a concept of what is happening in between these spaces. The unseen energetic frequencies. This space also holds the untapped potential of what could be. A blank canvas of creation. The intention behind the unfolding of creation too holding a force impacting the outcome. Also gaining in understanding the magnitude of the interconnectedness of every single thing in space and time is incomprehensible.
Space can hold love or fear. It can be expansive or contracted, healing or toxic, medicine or poison. It is light or dark. The duality of this planet is in every space of the planet and both can be tapped into depending on where your focus is, where your energy is directed.
One’s head space can be a can be a place of love or fear. Thoughts, ideas, actions can either place you in a space of gratitude, abundance and magic or can keep you in a space of fear, lack, and scarcity. Whether they are stories that have been ingrained into our minds by others or the stories we tell ourselves to be true, all hold an energetic space in our field. These energetic frequencies have exponential impact on our life as we know it.
From a feeling we create a thought which ultimately leads to an outcome. As energetic beings, the energy we give out is what we attract, it comes back to us. When one is consciously aware of the magnitude of their thoughts, profound change can happen. Being able to be open to a new perspective, to the idea that we don’t have to believe all of the stories we’ve come to believe, that one thing is true while another thing is also true, allows for space to grow and harness the expansion our evolutionary progress. The transfer from the fear narrative to the truth of love creates more love that is ultimately limitless. Another perspective can also open up space to hold others without judgement.
Our head space is intricately connected to our heart space. Our thought processes in our minds influence the state of our hearts. Are we allowing our hearts to open or are we keeping them closed? Fear in the mind closes the heart. If one is afraid to see the love that is being offered to them, or resistant to feel love as protection from their heart being broken, or believing they are
unworthy of love, the frequency of this energy is fear. The frequency of fear is limiting. It closes us off from allowing anything into our field besides all that comes with fear.
In contrast, having thoughts of love opens the heart. This allows us to receive more and more love. The band of frequency is so much greater. Access to those frequencies of abundance, health, miracles is readily available. This love creates a connection with the divine.
Each of these energetic frequencies are continuously being transpired to all space in the universe. Whether it be to how you care for yourself with your thoughts and actions, how you treat your family members and others you come in contact with, how you interact with mother nature, etc. Also, what we chose to consume mentally and physically all carry energetic frequencies. Each choice every single one of us makes has a cause and effect, a trickle-down effect into every single piece of this universe. These are very apparent in where the state of the human collective is and how the earth is being treated today. It is so important to be consciously aware of how each space we occupy whether we can see it with our eyes or not, has a profound impact on our time in space of human existence.
The empty space, the unseen in that empty space, holds energetic frequencies and room for creation. As every object began with a thought, we can see how that empty space can be filled with an object of creation when you apply your energy to it. Each empty space holds ground for something new, and as God is limitless love and potential, so are we. Creation that unfolds into space is pure magic with infinite possibilities, when you tap into your infinite potential which is tapping into the infinite potential of the divine.
Personal space has become a sacred space for me. A quieter, more loving, more compassionate space of healing. No longer do I need to find something to fill it from the outside. No longer do to I need to feel guilty about taking it. It’s become a space of quiet reflection, contemplation, uneasy conversations with myself. It’s a space for my own thoughts to come and to witness while acknowledging which thoughts were never serving me and are no longer necessary. Somewhere along the way, time alone became painful. The mind space was so loud with the fear narrative of not being good enough, worthy enough, not pretty enough, how could I have done or said that, and on and on. I became so accustomed to that mental and physical space. Now, with having created a space for healing, gaining a new perspective I had the space to see the programming that led me astray, that led me to walk away from myself, forgetting the truth of who I am, closing my heart to love for myself and others.
In this space I get glimpses of the time I have wasted along with the other areas the ego wants to go trying keep me attached, though I am aware this is an illusion. I do trust deep down that everything is divinely timed and this is and has all been a part of my evolution. In knowing so I am working at holding space to release the fear I have built up around myself in regards to stunting my authentic potential, which is uncomfortable to see and even more uncomfortable to strip away, but layer by layer intentionally and consciously transmuting it all back into love.
Having the ability to hold such space of unconditional love and non judgement for ourselves allows us the capacity to hold that space for others. The space we hold for ourselves determines the space we are able to hold for others. I hadn’t knowingly experienced that kind of space or insight before meeting you. I didn’t have the awareness of how much love I was blinding myself to receiving. The space in my heart was so closed off with all of the rejection thoughts I created in my mind over so many years. I am now aware of how much love from others I have rejected throughout the years.
I clearly see the love from Brooklyn and Evan is completely unconditional. I see the pure unconditional love in them that we are all born with. I understand how it gets chipped away at and jaded over time. As it says in the book a Return to Love, a split happens. The ego begins to take over this space. I feel we all deserve to come back ‘home’ to that space regardless of the choices we’ve made at the level of consciousness that we were at. If I can hold that space for even one person, free of conditions, judgement, disappointments, so they too can witness and experience the miracle of returning home to the truth of love, would be the greatest gift.
I had often overlooked the space I chose to share with others. I see that who I chose to share energy with did have influence on the progression of parts of my life, which I allowed. If one doesn’t hold the consciousness of this inevitable energetic exchange, and no boundaries have been set, others can more easily control how we view ourselves and in turn the world which impact the choices we make. We have to hold our consciousness to protect our sacred energy of pure God source love energy. Having experienced the difference between being in a space of fear where others are seemingly trying to bring you to their level, consciously or not, compared to the space of unconditional love and unlimited potential, I can see how the soul and human can either hide or thrive. It is up to us to hold ourselves in a space of receiving love and protect our energy from those who are unable to provide that.
The concept of creating a space through co-creation with another is also area that I’ve come to explore. Creating a home with a partner while guiding new beings into this world needs to be done with conscious intention. The blending of beliefs, truths, morals, boundaries all while holding space for all to thrive in the best way I know how. How I hold my space in relation to others sharing in this same physical space has an affect. I am either aiding to the expansion or contraction of the frequencies around me based on if I’m coming from either a place of love or fear. I would never intentionally impose my limiting beliefs onto another. My intention for this space is to bring co-existing energies of thoughts, feelings, ideas and actions together with the underlying force of unconditional love.
We are continuously heading into a space of unchartered territory, seemingly especially in the world we live in today. Before this shift occurred a few years ago, I’m sure many could almost somewhat predict where their lives would be headed in the coming years. Staying at the same 9-5 job, staying comfortable doing much of the same, and kids following suit with the socially derived constructs of the matrix we’ve been conditioned to.
The state of the world, regardless of it being because of the powers that be playing out their dark agenda, or Mother Gaia going through her own evolutionary shift of consciousness, what it comes down to, is each individual and where they are internally or spiritually in terms of where they are at in holding unconditional love for themselves and others. Are we holding space to love ourselves in each moment? Are we building that foundation to be able to do that for humanity? Or are we buying into the illusion of fear we are being bombarded with?
The world is consistently being portrayed as a space full of fear and chaos attracting more fear and chaos. On the other hand, I believe more and more people are seeing through the veil. I believe as a species we are to bringing the dark to light, together, bringing more love. More and more people are coming to remember the truth of who we are, which is pure God’s love.
I believe the space we are here to occupy on the planet is to be used to provide human service for the greater good. I believe that once we remember we are called to hold a safe space for others to do the same. With the awareness that all energies from the heart space, head space, soul space, every space, propel out to all beings and all things in all ways into every aspect of the universe, it is my intention, my mission, in whatever space I occupy, to bring all of my love to the very best of my ability.
I love you,