Shawna Robinson


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Master your energy.

Master your day.

Manifest your highest potential.

Energy is everything. And it is all around us. Are you willing to step up and claim the frequency that is in alignment with what you wish to create in the world?


Personal Energy Mastery is a series of three, 90-minute sessions designed to inform, inspire and empower you through a greater awareness of the energy that surrounds you. Each course builds on the previous one and combines practical information, with daily rituals and tools, that you can work with immediately. A guided meditation in each session will jump start the process for you to realize your incredible power to master your energy field and develop energetic sovereignty through the power of intention.

Course Outline

Techniques for Clearing & Shielding


  • What is personal energy mastery?
  • What is an energy field, and how does it work?
  • What affects our energy field every day?
  • How does intention affect our energy?
  • What is good energy hygiene and how does it benefit us?
  • Introducing a three-step daily energy hygiene practice
  • Guided personal shield building practice
  • Q&A

Intuitive Practices for Energy Hygiene


  • External influences and how they affect our energy shield
  • Using intention and intuition to level up our energy mastery
  • Additional tools and techniques for shield building
  • Introducing an intuitive practice for energy field check-ins
  • Guided practice for intuitive field clearing and shield building
  • Q&A

Commanding Your Frequency in Spaces and Places


  • How to identify the energy of spaces and places
  • How the energy of spaces and places affects our personal energy field
  • Introduction to tools for use in different environments to support your energetic intentions
  • The benefits of using our personal energy to set the frequency of a place or space
  • Guided meditation to intuitively view and clear the energy of a space or place
  • Q&A


Watch the recordings and move through the material at your own pace. Your registration provides you lifetime access to the course content where you will find all the course material, additional learning resources and a forum where you can add questions and comments and connect with others participating in this course.



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Energy Mastery Live Recorded Podcast

Here's exactly what we covered in the live podcast: with Marin McCue, Beth Davis and Shawna Robinson

1. What is energetic sovereignty?
2. How to practice taking responsibility for your own energy?
3. What are some practices to uplift or strengthen one’s own energy?
4. What are ways to teach energetic sovereignty to kids
Have you ever had an experience that left you feeling drained, exhausted or strained and you did not have any physical exertion? Have you ever had an experience that put you in a bad mood and ruined your entire day? Chances are that these situations are both the result of an unwanted exchange of energy.
The good news, is that with awareness, you have the power to move through your day, and all situations, with more ease and grace.



Meet your teacher


As a Mom, entrepreneur and an award-winning author, Shawna has many things come at her during the day. She has intuitively developed and explored a variety of tools to maintain the integrity of her own energy field to keep her focused and in a productive place of joy. Personal Energy Mastery is a culmination of her own practices, lessons learned as well as practical applications of these techniques that anyone can start using immediately. She writes original kids stories every month for subscribers on her website Everyday Icing and has developed a unique style of kids meditations in Imagination Workshops that she teaches weekly through Super Seed Yoga.

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